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“Choosing the right course and dedicating time to learn is an investment in your future success”
_ V.Viruthshaan (founder)
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Master of Science in Information Management
Fees 520,000.00 Rs
Medium English
Duration 2 years
Study Mode Part Time
Master of Science in Information Technology
Fees 520,000.00 Rs
Medium English
Duration 2 years
Study Mode Part Time
Masters of Education
SLIIT Malabe, SLIIT Metro, Kandy Uni, Northern Uni
Medium English, Sinhala, Tamil
Duration 12 months or 24 months
Postgraduate Diploma in Education
SLIIT Malabe, SLIIT Metro, Kandy Uni, Northern Uni *
Fees 140,000.00 Rs
Medium English, Sinhala, Tamil
Duration 18 months