B.Sc. Honours in Zoology
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Department Department of Zoology and Environment Sciences
a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 for the core courses in the first and second years.
(Core Courses: ZL 1009 Evolution and Biogeography, ZL 1008 Variety of Animal Life, ZL 1010 Animal Behaviour, ZL 2010 Animal Form and Function, ZL 2009 Principles of Ecology Biosystematics, ZL 2011 Biosystematics)
Delivery Mode In-person
Medium English
Duration 4 years
Study Mode Full Time
Degree Aims
- Use specific examples to elucidate how traits in morphology, physiology, life history, and behavior in animals is shaped through evolutionary processes.
- Make comparative analyses of how organisms’ function at the level of cells, tissues and organ systems.
- Explicate the ecological interconnectedness of biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems and apply ecological principles/concepts for conserving species and their habitats.
- Be skilled in animal handling, conducting biodiversity assessments and monitoring, barcoding and phylogenetic analyses, and using GIS techniques etc. and also be able to use these as tools for the management of species and habitats.
- Identify human and animal parasites and their hosts, and know the basics of managing emerging vector borne diseases.
- Apply scientific knowledge in various sub disciplines of zoology such as in the fields of aquaculture, integrated pest management and the management of problem animals.
- Have the capacity to apply scientific methods to address issues relating to animals, and the environment in general, by formulating research questions and hypotheses and gathering and analyzing relevant data for testing these hypotheses.
- Design laboratory or field experiments, to collect and analyze biological or ecological data, and make meaningful interpretations.