M.Sc. in Analytical Chemistry

Colombo, Sri Lanka
Fees 350,000.00 Rs
Department Department of Chemistry

The graduates who offered Chemistry as a subject for their BSc Degree


Any other equivalent qualification acceptable to the Senate of the University of Colombo are eligible to apply.

The selection will be on the basis of a written test and /or an interview.

Universities and Higher Educational Institutions (http://www.ugc.ac.lk/en/universities-and-institutes/universities.html)
University Grant Commission (UGC) recognized foreign Universities (http://www.ugc.ac.lk/en/universities-andinstitutes/recognized-foreign-universities.html)
UGC recognized other Universities (http://www.ugc.ac.lk/en/universities-and-institutes/other-recognizeddegrees.html)

Delivery Mode In-person
Medium English
Study Mode Full Time, Part Time

Course Fees

MSc in Analytical Chemistry (Part I and Part II)*

LKR 350,000/-

*Payable at the initial registration.

MSc (Research) in Analytical Chemistry 

Only the students who successfully complete Parts I and II will be eligible to proceed to Part III (research project) leading to the M.Sc. (Res.) degree program. Students who wish to proceed to Part III should make an additional payment of Rs. 125,000/- (subject to change) at the time of enrolment for Part III.

Apart from the Course Fee, the following shall be paid when applying and at the initial registration:

        Application fee        – Rs. 2,500/=
        Registration fee      – Rs. 7,500/=
        Library fee                 – Rs. 3,000/=
        Examination fee     – Rs. 10,000/=
        ID card fee                 – Rs. 100/=

Library Deposit(refundable) – Rs. 5,000/= (Rs.2,500/= per card)

**Please note that fees paid are not refundable unless otherwise mentioned and can be subjected to revisions from time to time.

Programme Structure

Course structure is designed according to the guidelines issued by the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Council of the UGC, SL to fulfil criteria of M.Sc. programs, SLQL 8, 9 & 10.

M.Sc. in Analytical Chemistry program consists of 3 parts.

Part I: Lectures and Laboratory sessions (25 credits)

Successful completion of Part I with a GPA of 3.00 is required to proceed to Part II. Candidates who maintain a GPA of greater than 2.70 but less than 3.00 have the option of being awarded a Postgraduate Diploma in Analytical Chemistry (SLQL 8).

Part II: Research project of three months duration (full time) (5 credits)

A student who obtains a GPA of 3.00 or above for Part II is eligible for the award of the Degree of Master of Science.
Successful completion of Part II with a GPA of 3.00 or above have the option being awarded M.Sc. in Analytical Chemistry by Course Work (SLQL 9).
Candidates who maintain an overall GPA of 3.00 or greater have the option to proceed to Part III.

Part III: Research project of one year duration (full time) (30 credits)

Students who obtain a GPA of 3.00 or above for Part III of the programme is eligible for the award of the Degree of Master of Science (Research) (SLQL10).


Mode of Learning

Part I consists of theory modules and practical modules conducted on Friday evenings (5–7 pm onsite or 7–9 pm online) and Saturdays (8 am to 6 pm). The duration of part I is for two semesters (each having 20 weeks). Students who have achieved the minimum requirements in the part I will be allowed to proceed to part II. This consists of a full-time guided study of 3-month duration. The duration for part-time students is longer, depending on the time they devote for research.


Course Evaluation

Part I
Throughout the first year, students will be assessed both on continuous basis as well as by periodical tests mainly based on the laboratory work carried out during the course. There will be a written examination at the end of each semester. The written examination will consist of 6 question papers.
Those who fail the examinations will be allowed to repeat each paper once.

Part II
The candidate has to submit a report addressing the research/industrial problem at the end of the study and make a presentation at the examination. The evaluation of Part II is based on the report, presentation and the viva-voce examinations

Part III
The candidate has to present the proposal, mid – progress and final outcomes of the research topic and has to submit a dissertation addressing the research topic at the end of the study. The evaluation of Part III is based on the presentations, dissertation and the viva – voce examination which will be carried out according to the general guidelines of the faculty

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