M.Sc. in Applied Organic Chemistry
Application for admission to the course will be entertained from candidates who have passed the BSc Degree with Chemistry as a subject from a recognized university
an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Science, University of Colombo.
The candidates will be selected based on academic merits, and an interview.
* Links for information on UGC recognized Universities/Higher Educational Institutes:
Universities and Higher Educational Institutions (http://www.ugc.ac.lk/en/universities-and-institutes/universities.html )
University Grant Commission (UGC) recognized foreign Universities (http://www.ugc.ac.lk/en/universities-andinstitutes/recognized-foreign-universities.html )
UGC recognized other Universities (http://www.ugc.ac.lk/en/universities-and-institutes/other-recognizeddegrees.html)
Course Aims
- To provide students with an advanced knowledge of areas of organic chemistry relevant to Sri Lankan industry, including industries based on natural products, pharmaceuticals, food & beverages etc. in order to improve productivity and enhance development in industry.
- To expose graduates to soft skills necessary for an industrial environment.
Course Fees
MSc in Applied Organic Chemistry (Part I and Part II)
LKR 350,000/-
***Payable at the registration for the programme.
MSc (Research) in Applied Organic Chemistry
Only the students who successfully complete Parts I and II will be eligible to proceed to Part III (research project) leading to the MSc (Res.) degree programme. Students who wish to proceed to Part III should make an additional payment of Rs. 125,000/- (subject to change) at the time of enrolment for Part III.
Other fees :
Apart from the Course Fee, the following shall be paid when applying and at the initial registration:
Application Fee: Rs. 2,500/-
Registration Fee: Rs. 7,500/-
Library Fee: Rs. 3,000/-
Examination fee: Rs. 10,000/-
Refundable Library Deposit: Rs. 5,000/-
ID card: Rs. 100/-
***Please note that fees paid are not refundable and subject to revision from time to time.
Course Evaluation
PART I : Lectures and Laboratory sessions (25 Credits)
Theory module will be tested by a written examination at the end of each semester. Students will also be assessed both on continuous basis as well as by periodical tests on the laboratory work carried out during the course. Candidates will be eligible to proceed to Part II when he/ she has obtained a minimum GPA of 3.00.
Minimum GPA of 2.70 is required for the award of Postgraduate Diploma (SLQF 8).
PART II: Research project of three months duration (full time) (5 credits)
The report submitted by the candidate at the end of the study will be evaluated and an oral examination will be held. The candidate will be eligible to proceed to part III when she/he has obtained minimum GPA of 3.00.
Successful completion of Part II with an overall GPA of 3.00 (Part I + Part II) have the option being awarded the of Master of Science (SLQF 9).
PART III: Research project of one year duration (full time) (30 credits)
The research dissertation submitted by the candidate at the end of the research project will be evaluated. Presentation and oral examination will be held on the submitted dissertation. Successful completion of Part III with an overall GPA of 3.00 (Part I + Part II + Part III) have the option being awarded the Master of Science (Research) (SLQF 10).
Course Duration
Part I & Part II: 18 – 24 months
Part III: 1 year for a full time student. The duration for part-time students is longer, depending on the time they devote for research.
A candidates studentship will expire at the end of 60 months from the date of registration.