M.Sc. / M.Sc.(Res.) in Plant Cell and Tissue Culture
The applicant should have a Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized university*, with Botany/ Plant Sciences/ Plant Biotechnology/Biotechnology/ Agriculture as a subject or Any other equivalent qualification acceptable to the Senate of the University of Colombo. The candidates will be selected based on academic merits, and an interview.
* Links for information on UGC recognized Universities/Higher Educational Institutes:
Universities and Higher Educational Institutions (http://www.ugc.ac.lk/en/universities-and-institutes/universities.html )
University Grant Commission (UGC) recognized foreign Universities (http://www.ugc.ac.lk/en/universities-andinstitutes/recognized-foreign-universities.html )
UGC recognized other Universities (http://www.ugc.ac.lk/en/universities-and-institutes/other-recognizeddegrees.html)
- to enhance the capacity of participants to advance their knowledge and research skills, and other abilities for higher degrees and to provide a post-graduate qualification
- to produce experts in the field of Plant Cell and Tissue Culture for specialized professional employment, technological capacity, or entrepreneurship
- to enhance employment opportunities in the areas of biotechnology/ agrobiotechnology, horticulture, and related research and/or training institutes
- to generate skilled human resources, thereby assisting the development of biotechnology industry in the country
For whom
- Graduates who are expecting to pursue M. Phil/Ph.D. studies in a related field.
- Research officers/scientists, extension officers, and educators in public and private institutions who require advanced training in Plant Cell and Tissue Culture.
- Qualified entrepreneurs and enthusiast with an interest in the field
Program Structure
The Master of Science (MSc) in Plant Cell and Tissue Culture programme consists of two parts (Parts I & II), whereas the Master of Science with Research [MSc (Res.)] in Plant Cell and Tissue Culture programme consists of an additional research project (Part III):
Part – I: Course Work (25 credits)
Part – II: Directed Study (5 credits)
Part – III: Research Project (30 credits)